The joys and realities of working from home…

I love having my own space and being able to get up from my desk during a break and take the dog for a walk or move the laundry to the dryer.

It does, however, come at its own expense though, none more tolling than the isolation. As a designer, I work best when I’m in close collaboration with my team. Working remotely means extra effort on my part to stay connected. The off-hand interactions that happened in an office environment aren’t as spontaneous, so I strive to stay connected through every digital tool available.

Dedicating a workspace really helps me mentally separate when I’m in the “zone” or just moving around my home. I also find ways to block time on my calendar for heads-down work or just getting up and going for a walk.

Finding a great coffee shop with a relatively quiet place to sit and reliable internet has been a game changer to those weeks where you really need a change of scenery. On days that have few meetings stacked on my calendar, I really enjoy getting out and working in a public space.

At least the coworkers are cute!


Continuous Learning


Let’s talk about tools!